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Assessment Information


At its Nov. 8, 2007, public meeting, the Commission adopted assessment factors for the transportation industry based on three utility groups: motor carrier passenger, motor carrier property, and railroads. This grouping was intended to more accurately reflect the cost of regulation of each of these industries. The result of using three utility groups has lowered the assessments for property motor carriers and substantially increased the assessment for passenger carriers and railroads. Objections have been filed by various passenger carriers and railroads challenging their increased assessments. The Commission recognizes that the magnitude and timing of the increase on passenger carriers and railroads may cause an undue hardship.

In response to those concerns, the Commission has issued an Emergency Order (issued Jan. 14, 2008) and a Ratification Order (issued Feb. 14, 2008) that: (1) permits passenger carriers and railroads to pay their 2007/08 in three equal installments; (2) permits passenger carriers to implement a temporary 1% surcharge to recover the increased assessment; (3) issues a supplemental assessment notice that gives these utility groups additional time to object to their assessment; (4) establishes a technical conference and evidentiary hearings on the issues surrounding the allocation of Commission costs in regulating the transportation industry.

Secretarial Letter - An explanation of the assessment changes. Dated Feb. 14, 2008.

Assessment Instructions - Instructions for implementing the 1% surcharge as authorized at Docket No. P-2008-2013624.


Recommended Decision - The Recommended Decision issued by the Administrative Law Judge on May 16, 2008. Docket No. I-2008-2022003.

Prehearing Conference Order - A Prehearing Conference Order issued by the Administrative Law Judge on February 21, 2008. Docket No. I-2008-2022003.

Ratification Order - Petition for Emergency Relief of the Pennsylvania Taxi and Paratransit Association. Docket No. P-2008-2013624. Public Meeting of Feb. 14, 2008.

Emergency Order - Petition for Emergency Relief of the Pennsylvania Taxi and Paratransit Association. Docket No. P-2008-2013624. Dated Jan. 14, 2008.


Public Notice of Technical Conference & Evidentiary Hearings - The PUC's Office of Administrative Law Judge will hold a technical conference and evidentiary hearings in order to provide an open forum in which interested stakeholders can address issues surrounding an equitable allocation of the Commission’s costs of regulating the transportation industry before the allocation is finalized for Fiscal Year 2007/08.

Docket No. I-2008-2022003. To be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on Feb. 23, 2008.

Notice of Initial Prehearing Conference - The PUC's Office of Administrative Law Judge will hold an initial prehearing conference on March 14, 2008 in Harrisburg. Docket No. I-2008-2022003.

2007-08 Assessment Notice for Passenger Carriers & Railroads - PUC extends the due date for payment of 2007/08 Assessments for Passenger Carriers and Railroads. Docket No. P-2008-2013624. Public Meeting of Jan. 24, 2008.


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