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Regulatory Agenda

Regulatory Agenda

Updated March 2024

This Regulatory Agenda listing allows you to access documents, such as entered orders, motions and statement, administrative law judge decisions, secretarial letters, etc., associated with open docketed Commission rulemakings or policy statement proceedings.

Please contact the Commission's Regulatory Review Assistant at (717) 772-4597 with questions.

For a more comprehensive list of notice of proposed rulemaking dockets (NOPR) and final-form rulemaking dockets, which will include closed dockets, go to Document Search and use the "Case Type" search, selecting "Propose Rulemaking Docket."

Rulemaking Dockets

Docket Number Rulemaking Title Description


Distributed Energy Resources Participation in Wholesale Markets

Investigative and rulemaking process regarding implementation of FERC Order No. 2222.



Rulemaking to Amend 52 Pa. Code §§ 63.161—63.171 (relating to Pennsylvania Universal Service Fund), 52 Pa. Code §§ 63.161—63.171 (relating to universal service)

To examine potential reforms of regs at 52 Pa. Code §§ 63.161 – 171 (relating to universal service) regarding Pennsylvania Universal Service Fund (PaUSF).


Cybersecurity Rulemaking, 52 Pa. Code §§ 57.1, 59.11, 61.45, 65.2, and 101.1—101.7

To review the Commission’s current rules relating to cybersecurity, including 52 Pa. Code §§ 57.11 (accident reporting for electric utilities), 59.11 (accident reporting for gas utilities), 61.11 (accident reporting for steam utilities), 61.45 (security planning for steam utilities), 65.2 (accident reporting for water utilities), and 101.1 – 101.7 (public utility preparedness through self‑certification) to determine if the Commission’s present requirements are sufficient or if they need to be revised to ensure that they address the current cybersecurity threat landscape.


Regulations Governing the Public Utility Commission’s General Provisions, 52 Pa. Code Chs. 1, 3, and 5 (relating to Rules of Administrative Practice and Procedure; Special Provisions; and Formal Proceedings)

This is an ongoing process whereby the Commission’s procedural rules are examined to determine if any changes are necessary.  When appropriate, the PUC initiates a rulemaking to make necessary changes to its procedural regulations.

L-2012-2317273 Use of Fully Projected Future Test Year, 52 PA Code §§ 53.51-53.56a To identify proposed procedures and filing requirements for use of a fully projected future test year (FPFTY) by eligible utilities in base rate cases and align filing requirements for base rate cases in excess of $1 million.
L-2016-2557886 Initiative to Review and Revise the Existing Low-Income Usage Reduction Program (LIURP) Regulations at 52 Pa. Code §§ 58.1 – 58.18 To update regulations to improve the operation of energy utilities’ low-income usage reduction programs (LIURP).
L-2019-3012600 Universal Service Rulemaking

To incorporate the 2019 CAP policy statement amendments into regulations and update other universal service regulations, possibly including LIURP regs, to ensure programs are structured to assist low-income ratepayers efficiently and effectively.

L-2020-3019417 Request for Comments on Implementation of Potential Amendments to 52 Pa. Code § 59.34 Relating to Leakage Surveys of Customer-Owned Service Lines

To amend 52 Pa. Code § 59.34 to provide clarity and consistency with federal pipeline safety regulations regarding natural gas public utilities’ compliance obligations as pipeline operators of service lines.

L-2016-2577413 Standards for Change Rulemaking to Amend the Provisions of 52 Pa. Code, Chapter 59 Regulations Regarding Standards For Changing a Customer’s Natural Gas Suppliering a Customers Natural Gas Supplier NGS Switching

To accelerate the process for transferring a customer’s account from a service of last resort provider to a competitive NGS, from one supplier to another supplier, and from a supplier to supplier of last resort (SOLR) service, while preserving safeguards to prevent the unauthorized switching of a customer’s account.

L-2018-3004948 The Commission's Regulation Governing the Consumer Advisory Council, 52 Pa. Code Chapter 91

To explore alternatives regarding the governance of the Commission’s Consumer Advisory Council (CAC).

L-2019-3010267 Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Regarding Hazardous Liquid Public Utility Safety Standards at 52 Pa. Code Chapter 59

To more comprehensively regulate public utilities which transport petroleum products and other hazardous liquids in intrastate commerce.

L-2020-3017232 Application of 52 Pa. Code § 3.501 to Certificated Water and Wastewater Utility Acquisitions, Mergers, and Transfers

To explore amending the certificate of public convenience application regulations for water and wastewater utilities to streamline documentation requirements and foster regionalization of water and wastewater services.

L-2020-3021932 Proposed Water Audit Methodology Regulation, 52 Pa. Code § 65.20a - Water Conservation Measures

To implement the AWWA Water Audit methodology as a best management practice in water loss control in Pennsylvania.

Policy Statement and Other Anticipatory Proceedings

Docket Number Title Description

Diversity Policy Statement, 52 Pa. Code §§ 69.801-69.809 (relating to diversity at major jurisdictional utility companies – statement of policy)

To adjust definitions in Policy Statement (2021) and remove/adjust reporting provision in Diversity Policy statement (2021) after 3017284 Diversity reg is promulgated.


Electric Utility Rate Design for Electric Vehicle Charging, 52 Pa. Code §§ 69.3551—69.3554

To issue a policy statement on electric utility rate design for electric vehicle charging.


Utilization of Storage Resources as Electric Distribution Assets, 52 Pa. Code §§ 69.1951—69.1952 (relating energy storage policy statement)

To provide guidance on the use of electric storage as a distribution asset to enhance reliability and resiliency in the electric distribution grid.
P-2022-3030743 Petition to Initiate a Proceeding to Issue a Policy Statement on Electric Utility Rate Design for Electric Vehicle Charging To respond to request of ChargEVC-PA for the issuance of a Policy Statement on electric utility rate design for electric vehicle charging.
M-2022-3033054 Policy Statement on Public and Private Fire Protection Development of standards under which regulated fire protection services are offered to the public.

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